
The Kool Aid Stand via - suggested by Avedon excerpt: read the full post for details ...Please, look at what the righties are saying. Then look at

The Kool Aid Stand

via - suggested by Avedon

excerpt: read the full post for details

...Please, look at what the righties are saying. Then look at what the lefties are saying. Notice the difference in the quality of the arguments. Lefties write long posts full of data and figures. Righties link to the columnists they want to agree with, then say yeah, see? What he says. Democrats stink.

As we all know, the purpose of right-wing think tanks is to think up excuses for pernicious rightie policies. And the purpose of rightie columnists is to tell the faithful what they want to hear. Essentially, the think tanks mix the Kool-Aid, the columnists fill the cups, and the rightie bloggers line up to drink.
I couldn't have put it better. The old Ann Coulter defense. "Liberals are traitors. Why? Because they are." Why? "Because they're nuts." What's your proof? " Ward Churchill"
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