Dobson Still Pulling The Senate’s Strings

The Carpet Bagger Report: "To understand why the Senate fight over judicial nominees went from imminent compromise to inescapable confrontation in les

The Carpet Bagger Report: "To understand why the Senate fight over judicial nominees went from imminent compromise to inescapable confrontation in less than 12 hours, look no further than James Dobson. Bush doesn’t do nuance, and Dobson doesn’t do compromise. Dr. James C. Dobson, founder of the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family, denounced the notion of a compromise in a radio broadcast over the network, owned by American Family Radio. The network is based in Mississippi, home of Senator Trent Lott, one of those working on a compromise.

“If this is true,” Dr. Dobson said in an interview Tuesday, “it will represent an end run around the majority leader and will quite frankly be seen as a betrayal of the millions of people who put George Bush and the Republicans in office.” Within a few hours, Lott was telling reporters that his effort to reach a compromise wasn’t sincere and that it was just an attempt to convince moderates who “have to feel assured that every avenue has been explored.” In other words, just a few hours after Dobson calls Lott out, Lott started telling people that his negotiations are just part of the nuclear option game plan so there’s nothing for the far-right to worry about...read on "

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