Injudicious Limericks

Madeleine Begun Kane Senator Frist is poised to exercise the “nuclear option,” altering filibuster rules and creating a constitutional cri

Madeleine Begun Kane

  • Senator Frist is poised to exercise the “nuclear option,” altering filibuster rules and creating a constitutional crisis over extremist right-wing judicial nomineesJanice Rogers Brown and Janice Rogers Brown and Priscilla Owen. So I thought it was time for some Injudicious Limericks:
    Ode To Janice Brown

    A Bush nominee who's named Jan
    Is quite clearly no precedent fan.
    Her dissents so extreme
    Tout the Fed'ralist theme,
    And she'd cheerfully civil rights ban.

    Ode To Priscilla Owen

    George Dub picked Judge Owen, Priscilla,
    Who of reason does lack a scintilla.
    Owen's views are extreme.
    She's a "pro-lifer's" dream,
    And she's also a worker rights killah.

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