As Of This Moment...

C&L has passed Hugh Hewitt in the Site Meter Stats. 15) CrooksandLiars.com 27,124 visits/day 16) HughHewitt.com 25984 visits/day Many of you k

C&L has passed Hugh Hewitt in the Site Meter Stats.

15) CrooksandLiars.com 27,124 visits/day

16) HughHewitt.com 25984 visits/day

Many of you know how I feel about Hugh Hewitt. I've emailed him a few tiimes and haven't received a response. Without a book deal, or a radio talk show, or numerous talking heads appearences on 24/7, we ( all of us ) passed him in average daily traffic today. In his book Blog, traffic is the whole foundation of what justifies truth, trust and excellence in blogging for the right wing-o-sphere. (He doesn't care much for the left.) Just try to read his blog. I don't believe that myself. There are so many great blogs, just go over to Mike's Blog Round Up and read some. If Achy Breaky Heart can sell millions of records, well you know what I mean. I'm sure in a week our stats will go down but for now...

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