Rick Santorum Compares Democratic Members Of The Senate To Adolph Hitler

Eschaton: Now we have the junior Senator from Pennsylvania comparing the entire Senate Dem caucus to Adolf Hitler. Will the "Move On" standard of th

Eschaton: Now we have the junior Senator from Pennsylvania comparing the entire Senate Dem caucus to Adolf Hitler. Will the "Move On" standard of the liberal media still apply?

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Being Italian myself, Rick is a total embarrassment not only as an American, but to my Grand parents who came through Ellis Island as well.

CarpetBagger Report: Santorum should resign

Josh Marshall: Did Rick Santorum really just say that?

Think Progress: On March 1, Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) made a reference to Hitler in a speech about the nuclear option. Santorum lashed out at Byrd for his remarks. From the 3/11/05 Charleston Journal: Byrd roused the ire of many Republicans when he tangentially referred to Adolf Hitler during a speech on March 1 defending cloture and the right to debate.

Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., asked Byrd to retract his comments, stating they “lessen the credibility of the senator and the decorum of the Senate.” The Anti-Defamation League also criticized Byrd.

BlogenLust: John Hinderaker: I, personally, would like to see a moratorium on all references to Hitler, the Third Reich, Nazism and the Holocaust in the context of domestic political debate. Such a rule would have no perceptible effect on conservative discourse, but it would render the left virtually mute.

I'm sure he'll be condemning Santorum immediately. He has other repubs so read on

Bob Brigham has the true roundup on "Man on Dog" Rick.

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