Clever Peasantry

It's Not Like We Pay Attention Or Anything... To be honest, I don't know George Galloway from Adam. I'm not a big follower of British politics. I d

It's Not Like We Pay Attention Or Anything...

To be honest, I don't know George Galloway from Adam. I'm not a big follower of British politics. I do know Norm Coleman. I'm a big, big follower of Minnesota politics.

Anywho, I have a confession to make: I'm going to start a riot today. A big riot. Why? Because I have learned that press coverage has consequences. Example:

Norm Coleman is from the great state of Minnesota. FOX 9 News is from the great state of Minnesota. Norm Coleman represents all Minnesotans. FOX 9 News tries to deliver the news to all Minnesotans. Norm Coleman made world-wide news yesterday. FOX 9 delivered the news to...(from the 9 O'Clock newscast)

We often tell our dogs to "speak." Some people believe they really do. When we heard what this dog supposedly says we couldn't resist.

"Will you tell me your name?"

((Dog squeals.))

Now has another animal to boast about....

"He swears when he gets upset with me. He knows when to use his words.”

Debra Gallup got her dog about a year ago. He uttered his first words about six months ago.

"I'm always telling my nieces I love you when they come over and stuff. And all of a sudden he said I love you."

Fortunately, we have Rob Olsen to put it all in perspective:

Debra called us after seeing another story about a dog that can say I love you. She says Gino says that plus ‘cockadoodle doo’ and ‘go out’ and ‘let's go’ and his name. Debra's niece Michala insists he's normally much clearer than what we heard.

[niece:] "It sounds different. When he says hello, it's hello and when he says I love you, it's like I love you!"

[Debra]Insists the dog swears at the neighbors he's not yet the talk of the town. But if his vocabulary grows Dassel may indeed have another animal to brag about.

You. Have. Got. To. Be. Abso. Fucking. Lutely. Kidding. Me.

Here's their coverage of the Coleman hearing...in the LOCAL NEWS SECTION!!! Are these people on crack?!

I learned more about a fucking bullshit dog and her crazy owner who thinks that it talks than I did about my Junior Senator taking on a member of a foreign government without an agreement for immunity concerning one of the largest foreign policy issues in the world today.
Holy monkey clit grape shitter!! Did someone just flush journalistic responsibility down the toilet? I'm ready to riot.


Holy monkey clit grape shitter!! Did someone just flush journalistic responsibility down the toilet? I'm ready to riot.

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