Santorum Scandal-Nazi References Thrown At The NY Times

Santorum Scandal-Nazi references thrown at the NY Times viaSwing State Project: Two major updates on the Santorum Scandal. Chuck Pennacchio, Democ

Santorum Scandal-Nazi references thrown at the NY Times

viaSwing State Project: Two major updates on the Santorum Scandal.

Chuck Pennacchio, Democrat challenging Santorum in 2006, has posted a startling video on his blog of Santorum using a Nazi slander against the New York Times.

The Anti-Defamation League is outraged

Check out Bob's post on this.

For a man who opposes the use of Nazis references, Santorum sure likes to use them.

Digby torches Ricky: Ricky In Paris: So, we have both Byrd and Santorum making references to Hitler as regards this rules change. One is barely comprehensible and posits an absurd analogy to Democrats being Hitler in Paris. The other quite astutely points out that these arbitrary rules changes to advance the power of one party are not without precedent.

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