Blog Round-up Of Reactions To The Compromise

Bill Frist tries to save Face/ Freepers are crazed! Not everyone agrees. I'll be updating this post all night! Frist immediately went on the floor

Bill Frist tries to save Face/ Freepers are crazed! Not everyone agrees.

I'll be updating this post all night!

Frist immediately went on the floor to give a speech. He's definetly not happy.

Download -WMV

Lindsey Graham calls out the White House- Download - Real Audio/ Sean Hannity is not happy

Download -WMP

Here's the Full Press conference- Download -WMP- This is a big file, so if you don't need to see it, that's ok.

Harry Reid says: There is good news for every American in this agreement. The so-called
³nuclear option² is off the table. This is a significant victory for our
country, for democracy, and for all Americans. Checks and balances in our
government have been preserved. full statement

This is important:

Kevin Drum notes: UPDATE: In comments, NSF reports that Lindsey Graham claims that of the three who will get votes (Brown, Owen, and Pryor), one will end up getting defeated on a bipartisan basis. A secret codicil? Hmmm.....

Ralph G. Neas isn't happy with everything in the compromise but says: " The unprincipled nuclear option has been averted. This is a major defeat for the radical right. Senators from both parties have rejected demands by the White House, radical right groups, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist that the filibuster be eliminated on nominees. It is a rejection of White House demands for virtually unlimited power to undermine the independence of the courts."

Political Wire says Instant analysis: McCain is the big winner; Sen. Bill Frist is the loser.

Steve Gillard: This is a major defeat for the theocrats. This is what happens when amateurs play at politics. Dobson was under the delusion that he could control the Senate with his money and Bill Frist's dick in his pocket. This didn't work.

AmericaBlog: (From Joe) - But, in the long run, this forces the White House to think differently about the Supreme Court. That seemed to be the message from the gang of 14, most notably Lindsay Graham who said as much during the press conference. Still processing...but those are initial thoughts

Bob Brigham has a round up.

Booman Tribute says:Who Won?

Ezra Klein says: So I'm happy. Most of all because I think Democrats would've lost the fallout. Eliminating the judicial filibuster over some obscure judges just wouldn't, I fear, strike people as a big enough deal to shut down the Senate over.

The Agonist says: Suicide Averted It isn't perfect, but what compromise ever is? The voices of reason, sanity and Senatorial power and privelege have prevailed

All Spin Zone: Filibuster Deal & Commentary from the Blogosphere

The Left Coaster: Perspective, People

Talk Left: Sell-Out Deal Made


Blogenlust: If you're a Democrat and you're still not happy with the outcome, I suggest you read this and this. It made me feel a little better about the whole thing.

In my opinion, the big winner is the Constitution and the institution of the Senate because the filibuster will remain in tact.

Buzz Machine says: Stupidity averted

The Republican's are screaming.

James Dobson via AmericaBlog: This Senate agreement represents a complete bailout and betrayal by a cabal of Republicans and a great victory for united Democrats. Only three of President Bush’s nominees will be given the courtesy of an up-or-down vote, and it's business as usual for all the rest. The rules that blocked conservative nominees remain in effect, and nothing of significance has changed. Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Antonin Scalia, and Chief Justice William Rehnquist would never have served on the U. S. Supreme Court if this agreement had been in place during their confirmations. The unconstitutional filibuster survives in the arsenal of Senate liberals. read on

LaShawn Barber: Filibuster Compromise?

The Therapist: Date Rape :Republican Senators Willingly Date-Raped By Democratic Senators

Rambling Journal says:Wannabe-Moonbat McCain spearheads filibuster compromise deal

Conservative Outpost: GOP grabs the ankles

Daily Pundit: Still, the true driving force behind all this is John McCain, who can rest assured he will never receive my vote in any Presidential election for any reason, including that of his opponent being Hillary Clinton.

Confirmthem.com: This deal is a load of cr@!` It is not compromise, but capitulation. And I say that as somebody who did agree that a certain form of compromise was acceptable. But this comrpomise treats a couple of nominees, Saad and Myers, as pawns. It makes them not people, but expendable objects. And that is unconscionable.

Here's some comment: A complete f****’en outrage. Not another dime, I’ve had it.

Hugh Hewitt of course doesn't have a clue: It is impossible to say whether this is a "terrible" deal, a "bad" deal, or a very, very marginally "ok" deal, but it surely is not a good deal. Not one dime more for the NRSC from me unless and until the Supreme Court nominee

Scared Monkeys puts it succinctly: Compromise reached! Republicans screwed!

The Buzz Blog: Sellouts!

Power Line's John Hinderaker: What a hideous deal.

Michelle Malkin: My two cents: Ditto to all of the above. The GOP parade of pusillanimity marches on. With this pathetic cave-in, the Republicans have sealed their fate as a Majority in Name Only.

Captain's Quarters: Frist: Deal will require "careful monitoring". For what? You just gave away the store! Frist is continuing to spin this into a win for the nominees, but it's not going to fly. The Democrats blocked at least two of the nominees and made no substantive guarantees to stop their obstructionism. This, in short, has been a clear victory for the Democrats and a massive failure for the GOP and the White House. The GOP just endorsed the filibuster, and will have no intellectual capacity to argue against its use later on. They sold the Constitution just to get less than half of its blockaded nominees through, and the result will be much less flexibility on future Supreme Court nominations.

Free Republic here Jelly F-ing spined jacka**es!!!!!!!!!!! Any compromise on THIS issue is SURRENDER. Frist just lost the RNC nomination. He's the fool who dragged this out until the f***ing RINOs got their posies arranged all pretty...read on

Ankle Bitting Oundits: Cowards. A Bunch of M-Fing Cowards!!!! "Trust"? This Is A Nightmare. '

Instapundit: As I've said before, I'd probably care more about this issue if Bush looked likely to appoint some small-government libertarian types to the bench. Since he doesn't, I don't.

Joe Scarborough calls it a "win for the Democrats and a loss for George W. Bush"

The Moderate Voice has a Monster round up also: Senate Moderates Avert Polarizing Filibuster Showdown It's an incredible accomplishment, given what was facing this group of Democrats and Republicans just today

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