Bill O'Reilly Vs Rosa Brooks

I was emailed about this interchange and posted it in its entirety which includes Bill's "Talking Points." via:Newshounds: Lawyer Runs Rings Around B

I was emailed about this interchange and posted it in its entirety which includes Bill's "Talking Points."

via:Newshounds: Lawyer Runs Rings Around Bill O'Reilly on Subject of GITMO Detainees

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BROOKS: Bill, I'm actually kind of disappointed in you and in the L. A. Times. You're goin' soft here a little bit. This cutting the head off stuff. I kinda had you figured as a boiling in oil guy.

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For all his bluster and bravado, yesterday [5/24/05] Bill O'Reilly was bested by his guest, law professor Rosa Brooks, a feisty, strong, knowledgeable human rights attorney who did a wonderful job of driving Bill crazy! After his usual hateful Talking Points Memo, in which he tried to justify his inflammatory "beheading" statement about Michael Kinsley of the L. A. Times, the Bloviating Billster took on Ms. Brooks in a long segment on the topic of the Guantanamo detainees. They were still at it well into the "cut to commercial break" theme music. Bill was a mass of frustration by the end of this verbal sparring match. One wonders if Ms. Brooks will ever be asked back again! on

Newshounds has the full transcript available.

Talk Left delves deep into this issue at great depth: Detainees Should Have Lawyers so Innocents Can be Released

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