Silence Of The Shepards

From ex AF officer, ex-reporter, Mike Graham responds to the Dominionism article C&L posted: We need to acknowledge what we're up against. Fundam

From ex AF officer, ex-reporter, Mike Graham responds to the Dominionism article C&L posted:

We need to acknowledge what we're up against. Fundamentalist religion, of any stripe, is the most dangerous drug of all. And these "dominionist" fools -- masquerading as "Christians" -- are going to be the death of us all.

Why are no mainstream theologians speaking out against these fascist lunatics? They have hijacked the very term "Christianity" and made it a dirty word, synonymous with bigotry and hatred, deceit and murder. And the response from mainstream churches? Thundering silence. I call it "the silence of the shepherds."

What parts of the Sermon on the Mount don't these moral mutants understand? The President of the United States is in thrall to theological thugs. This country needs to wake up and wake up fast. This is the American Taliban, and if they have their way this nation is going to turn into a Bible Belt version of Saudi Arabia.

At the same time, we need to recognize that we already are in a holy war. When Bush used the word "crusade" that first day, he meant exactly what he said. These psychopaths want Armageddon. That's a huge part of what Iraq is really all about, that and corporate profiteering.

As I recall, Jesus had a few choice words about Pharisees and money changers and their ilk. I wonder what the Prince of Peace would say about people using His Name to justify mass murder.

I sure as hell don't hear any theologians raising that question.

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