Drudge Just Loves The New Clinton Book
Swearing Steaming Screaming: White House as Hot House; New WashPost Book Matt's headline apears to be different than the actual book review... ...In
Swearing Steaming Screaming: White House as Hot House; New WashPost Book
Matt's headline apears to be different than the actual book review...
...Instead, he views Clinton as an insecure, needy man whose frequent shifts in direction and self-destructive behavior reflected not cunning but utter lack of self-control. He also sees Clinton as growing in strength, self-confidence and wisdom over his eight years in office, and praises his courage in responding to the humanitarian crisis in Kosovo. On terrorism, Harris offers a mixed verdict, crediting Clinton with recognizing the growing threat posed by al-Qaeda and expanding U.S. efforts against it while acknowledging the inadequacy of those efforts...
I guess you can excerpt a few pages of any book and write what he did. I haven't seen much on it yet, but of course Drudge needs to attack the Clinton's to do his thing.