Posing As Reporters.

You Can't Make This Stuff Up ... via Jabbs The press turnout for a May 23 Q&A with President Bush and Afghan President Hamid Karzai was poor, but

You Can't Make This Stuff Up ...

via Jabbs The press turnout for a May 23 Q&A with President Bush and Afghan President Hamid Karzai was poor, but administration imagemakers came up with a novel response. They backed the room with interns

"That way it wouldn't look bad for the cameras," a White House insider told John McCaslin for his "Inside the Beltway" column in the May 24 Washington Times. "A member of the press corps we spoke to yesterday equated reporters at such staged White House functions with 'props,'" McCaslin wrote. One reporter told McCaslin: "Since we can't ask questions, why schlep over there?" ...read on

Funny thing is how much this resembles the Oscar Award show seat fillers. They hire groups of people to run around and fill any empty seat during commercial breaks when the cameras go back on. I guess republicans do like Hollywood after all.

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