They Will, However, Have To Give An Assurance To Their Diocesan Bishop That They Will Abstain From Sex.

Church Of England Idiocy The Brutal TruthOk, yes we know they've got homosexual parishioners. We know they've got homosexual priests and bishops. They

Church Of England Idiocy The Brutal Truth
Ok, yes we know they've got homosexual parishioners. We know they've got homosexual priests and bishops. They know it, too ... which makes this following Politically Correct "compromise" really fuckin' stupid:

Homosexual priests in the Church of England will be allowed to “marry” their boyfriends under a proposal drawn up by senior bishops, led by Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The decision ensures that gay and lesbian clergy who wish to register relationships under the new “civil partnerships” law — giving them many of the tax and inheritance advantages of married couples — will not lose their licences to be priests.

The bishops are trying to uphold the church doctrine of forbidding clergy from sex except in a full marriage. They accept, however, that the new law leaves them little choice but to accept the right of gay clergy to have civil partners.

Translation: "Gentleman, you can love each other, kiss each other, hold hands, and enjoy the benefits that heterosexual marriage provides. Just don't bloody hell f**k each other, okay?!?!"
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