Donation Drive

Its been over three and a half months since I've asked for some donations. I don't use the blog to make money. All the money goes to pay for the site.

Its been over three and a half months since I've asked for some donations. I don't use the blog to make money. All the money goes to pay for the site. With the excellent growth C&L has had the bandwidth costs have skyrocketed I'm happy to say. There's a paypal "Make a Donation" button link to the right and also an "Amazon donation box" below the "There is no Crisis" picture further down on the right hand column.

John at AmericaBlog just posted: The left's fear of money, and I knew it was time to ask.

Anyway do what you can, if you can. I'll be asking all week and will probably put up some more "donation" buttons. Thanks to everyone for helping make C&L a successful and hopefully fun blog.

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