Evan Thomas Says Bush Wants To Turn Back The Clock On The Press

On Hardball Last night, Evan Thomas was discussing the historical impact "Deep Throat" [media id=13367]-WMP [media id=13368]-QT Thomas: "Huge

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On Hardball Last night, Evan Thomas was discussing the historical impact "Deep Throat"

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Thomas: "Huge and relevant today in so many ways. That was the beginning of the end of executive power. When Deep Throat started talking to Bob Woodward, that was the beginning of something-really a tectonic shift. The executive branch lost power. The White House lost power. It was the beginning of the rise of the counterestablishment, the press, "The Washington Post." congressional investigators, special prosecutors. We had about three decades of that. Bush now is trying to swing it back.

I mean, that‘s very much-I think that‘s what the Bush presidency is about, actually, is pushing back against all those people who were chewing at their ankles for the last 30 years. All the-all the-all the journalists, all the prosecutors, all the lawyers, get rid of them."


Just watch our Press Corp. in action yesterday and you can see how true this statement is. John Dean has repeatedly said that this White House is more secretive than Nixon's. Evan's comment flew under the radar in the segment but is a powerful indictment of how the White House handles and deals with the Press. The talking points coming out for the most part from the Liddy's and Buchanan's calling for his scalp are despicable. He's an American Hero.

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