On Persuasion

Armando has an excellent diary taking on Matt Miller's recent column from the NY Times. ... The utter disrespect for the truth exhibited by all media

Armando has an excellent diary taking on Matt Miller's recent column from the NY Times.

... The utter disrespect for the truth exhibited by all media is the heart of the problem. Liars are not called liars. Falsehoods are not called falsehoods. What passes for reporting these days is "Republicans say _. Democrats say ___." When someone spews falsehoods, there is not a Media outlet in the country that will say 'that is false.' Not the New York Times, not the Washington Post, not any of them...read on

Armando is dead on. The press needs to behave like watch dogs of the truth instead of regurgitating talking points. When Evan Thomas explained how important "Deep Throat" was to the history of this country in these words:

"Huge and relevant today in so many ways. That was the beginning of the end of executive power. When Deep Throat started talking to Bob Woodward, that was the beginning of something-really a tectonic shift. The executive branch lost power. The White House lost power. It was the beginning of the rise of the counterestablishment, the press, "The Washington Post." congressional investigators, special prosecutors. We had about three decades of that. Bush now is trying to swing it back. I mean, that's very much-I think that's what the Bush presidency is about, actually, is pushing back against all those people who were chewing at their ankles for the last 30 years. All the-all the-all the journalists, all the prosecutors, all the lawyers, get rid of them."

He explained a lot. Yet his statement got no attention at all and was brushed aside so Pat Buchanan could toss traitorous slurs at Felt. The administration has succesfully neutered the media. Even when they are right ( Newsweek ) they are made to cower inside a spider-hole and hope they have a leg to stand on when the smoke clears. With the Pentagon releasing information that corroborates Newsweek's highly criticized story, what do you think they will do? We need you now more than ever.

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