Sean Hannity And Hal Turner-Soul Mates

via The Nation: ..."During an August 1998 episode of the show, Turner reminded Hannity that were it not for the graciousness of the white man, "black

via The Nation: ..."During an August 1998 episode of the show, Turner reminded Hannity that were it not for the graciousness of the white man, "black people would still be swinging on trees in Africa," according to Daryle Jenkins, co-founder of the New Jersey-based antiracism group One People's Project. Instead of rebuking Turner or cutting him off, Hannity continued to welcome his calls....

Jenkins told me that while he and a group of antiracism activists demonstrated against a July 17, 2003, National Alliance meeting in Elmwood Park, New Jersey, which Turner attended, he encountered Turner and asked him about his relationship with Hannity. Turner claimed that he and Hannity would talk by phone and even recounted that Hannity had once invited him and his son on to the set of Hannity and Colmes. "In my view," says Jenkins, "I think Hannity has helped Turner out quite a bit. I'm willing to bet most of the conversations they had consisted of them talking shop." ...read on

Sean... are you embarrassed by your active participation in the life of a racist, Neo-Natzi, judge hating animal? Can you look into the camera and tell all of America you now denounce your association with this man that you yourself allowed to grow and flourish for years on end? Would you care to explain why this relationship even existed knowing the type of man Hal Turner is in the first place? Aren't you the least bit ashamed? Do you have any moral dignity at all? Isn't this the type of behavior that personifies the Republican Party? (Just testing my Hannity interview skills.)

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