Drudge Is After Dean
Arthur has some good thoughts: "I see that Drudge has now launched what promises to be a full-scale war against Howard Dean, making Dean into the devi
Arthur has some good thoughts: "I see that Drudge has now launched what promises to be a full-scale war against Howard Dean, making Dean into the devil incarnate. Im sure it will be all over the right blogosphere within hours, if it isnt already. Take the major warning: if you dare to tell the truth in unflinching, unapologetic terms, the rightwing propaganda machine, aided by our craven, servile media, will destroy you." read on
Its not surprising Dean is the target. The slime machine is in overdrive. Fox will pick it up and run with it. Here's the link they will talk about. Since things have been so bad for the Republican party they'll just vilify Howard.