American Patriot's Manifesto

Recovering Liberal I have become really tired of so called patriots questioning my love of America because I have the audacity to question our unelec

Recovering Liberal

I have become really tired of so called patriots questioning my love of America because I have the audacity to question our unelected president’s motives. Let me make this perfectly clear (Get the reference to JFK, you Yahoos? Nah, you probably don’t. That would require a modicum of intellect, which none of you possess.) there is nobody in this country that loves American more than I do. I just demand that America be what it is supposed to be, not what it has become.

With that in mind, I give you my Real American Patriot’s Manifesto for your consideration.

A Real American Patriot questions authority. Our founders questioned the authority of King George. Had they not, we might still be speaking the Queen’s English. Only lemmings follow their leaders blindly into the abyss.

A Real American Patriot does not support a President who takes our country into a war based on profiteering and lies.

A Real American Patriot does not blindly accept a Patriot Act that is not patriotic and that takes away the Constitutional rights for which our forefathers fought and died.

A Real American Patriot does not favor corporations over people.

A Real American Patriot does not take away benefits from our military and our veterans.

A Real American Patriot does not send members of our military into battle without proper weapons or armor.

A Real American Patriot does not force his narrow religious beliefs on a highly diverse populace.

A Real American Patriot considers the welfare of the sick over the welfare of a fertilized embryo left over from in vitro fertilization, which, in all probability, would have been discarded.

A Real American Patriot cares more about providing needed benefits to the poor, the homeless and the hungry than he does about providing tax cuts to the wealthy.

A Real American Patriot cares more about the rights of a woman to control her own body than he does about the rights of a fetus (Even the Old Testament equates life with breath, not with conception when it clearly says that G-d created man by breathing life into the dust of the ground).

A Real American Patriot does not blindly accept a Patriot Act that is not patriotic and that takes away the Constitutional rights for which our forefathers fought and died.

A Real American Patriot does not favor corporations over people.

A Real American Patriot does not take away benefits from our military and our veterans.

A Real American Patriot does not send members of our military into battle without proper weapons or armor.

A Real American Patriot does not force his narrow religious beliefs on a highly diverse populace.

A Real American Patriot considers the welfare of the sick over the welfare of a fertilized embryo left over from in vitro fertilization, which, in all probability, would have been discarded.

A Real American Patriot cares more about providing needed benefits to the poor, the homeless and the hungry than he does about providing tax cuts to the wealthy.

A Real American Patriot cares more about the rights of a woman to control her own body than he does about the rights of a fetus (Even the Old Testament equates life with breath, not with conception when it clearly says that G-d created man by breathing life into the dust of the ground).

A Real American Patriot cares more about living children being loved than about bringing children into the world for whom no one will care and for whom there may not be sufficient food, housing or clothing.

In short, A Real American Patriot knows that to truly love America, one must truly love its people and its ideals.

Sadly, those in power today do not fit this mold.  That is why we are here at Recovering Liberal to remind you that things can be better.  In fact, they have been better.  They were better when Franklin Roosevelt saved our country from the disastrous presidency of Herbert Hoover.  They were better during the administrations of Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and even, for the most part under Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.  These men may have been different politically, but they shared one thing in common, a real love of America and Americans, something which is sorely lacking in our current leaders.

There have been many fine people who, while flawed, led our country down a better road than the one on which it is traveling today.  We are currently led be a group of people who only have their own self interests and pocketbooks at heart.  They lie and cheat for personal gain, and then they call us unpatriotic for letting the world know of their sins.  They are not Real American Patriots.  Frankly, they only qualify as Americans a result of their status as citizens.  The time is coming when true patriots, Democrats and Republicans, religious and secular, will come to realize the truth.  The Bush cabal tells its supporters what they want to hear but rarely delivers on its promises to anyone but the super wealthy.  When that day of enlightenment comes, then and only then will we return to the peace that is the basis of our freedom and the prosperity that comes from a hard working people being treated fairly.

A Real American Patriot cares more about living children being loved than about bringing children into the world for whom no one will care and for whom there may not be sufficient food, housing or clothing.

In short, A Real American Patriot knows that to truly love America, one must truly love its people and its ideals.

Sadly, those in power today do not fit this mold. That is why we are here at Recovering Liberal to remind you that things can be better. In fact, they have been better. They were better when Franklin Roosevelt saved our country from the disastrous presidency of Herbert Hoover. They were better during the administrations of Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and even, for the most part under Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. These men may have been different politically, but they shared one thing in common, a real love of America and Americans, something which is sorely lacking in our current leaders.

There have been many fine people who, while flawed, led our country down a better road than the one on which it is traveling today. We are currently led be a group of people who only have their own self interests and pocketbooks at heart. They lie and cheat for personal gain, and then they call us unpatriotic for letting the world know of their sins. They are not Real American Patriots. Frankly, they only qualify as Americans a result of their status as citizens. The time is coming when true patriots, Democrats and Republicans, religious and secular, will come to realize the truth. The Bush cabal tells its supporters what they want to hear but rarely delivers on its promises to anyone but the super wealthy. When that day of enlightenment comes, then and only then will we return to the peace that is the basis of our freedom and the prosperity that comes from a hard working people being treated fairly.

 I pray for that moment with all of my heart and soul, and I ask that you join me in this prayer by saying Amen.


The Blighted Bookshelf...or, Ten of the Most Damaging Winger Books of All Time   the opinion mill 

Good morning, class. Yesterday we talked about the list of dangerous books compiled by the little orcs at Human Events Online, which asked you to believe that Betty Friedan's "The Feminine Mystique" and Rachel Carson's early warning about the dangers of runaway pollution deserved to be ranked with "Mein Kampf" and Chairman Mao's little red book. (It also expected you to believe that Phyllis Schlafly devotes evenings to getting her brain around Comte's "The Course of Positive Philosophy," but that's another diatribe.)

As promised, here is The Opinion Mill's own bibliography of blight, compiled with an eye to acknowledging those books that have done the most damage. Some, in fact, are still warping impressionable young minds. Where is the outrage? What will we tell the children? Read on...

I pray for that moment with all of my heart and soul, and I ask that you join me in this prayer by saying Amen.

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