Downing Street Memo Gets "Any" Attention
USA Today story about media not covering Downing Street... Funny how they talk about the lack of coverage by major media...which includes their sorry
USA Today story about media not covering Downing Street...
Funny how they talk about the lack of coverage by major media...which includes their sorry asses!
The title of the article is all wrong- "'Downing Street memo' gets fresh attention" How about "" would be better suited.
"A simmering controversy over whether American media have ignored a secret British memo about how President Bush built his case for war with Iraq bubbled over into the White House on on"
"USA TODAY chose not to publish anything about the memo before today for several reasons, says Jim Cox, the newspaper's senior assignment editor for foreign news. "We could not obtain the memo or a copy of it from a reliable source," Cox says. "There was no explicit confirmation of its authenticity from (Blair's office). And it was disclosed four days before the British elections, raising concerns about the timing."
So far no one has been able to disprove it, so they finally printed an article about it. They could have obtained a copy from any number of sources if they reallly wanted to.The 101st fighting keybds would have most certainly tried to shread it's authenticity by now, but the best they can do is say that it is hearsay. Ken Melman said on MTP that it was discredited, but Tim never followed up with the next obvious question. Who? Because nobody has discredited it.