John Conyers Takes The Fight Back To Dana Milbank
via The Huffington Post: In a letter addressed to the Post's national editor, the newspaper's ombudsman and Milbank, the veteran House member was bl
via The Huffington Post:
In a letter addressed to the Post's national editor, the newspaper's ombudsman and Milbank, the veteran House member was blunt.
"Dear Sirs," Conyers began, "I write to express my profound disappointment with Dana Milbank's June 17 report, 'Democrats Play House to Rally Against the War,' which purports to describe a Democratic hearing I chaired in the Capitol yesterday. In sum, the piece cherry-picks some facts, manufactures others out of whole cloth, and does a disservice to some 30 members of Congress who persevered under difficult circumstances, not of our own making, to examine a very serious subject: whether the American people were deliberately misled in the lead up to war. The fact that this was the Post's only coverage of this event makes the journalistic shortcomings in this piece even more on
It's great to see Conyers coming out swinging. He called Milbank on every one of his distortions on the facts of the hearing. Let's see if Milbank will have the guts to respond to Conyers. I doubt it. Probably the editor will give some "Scotty" type response.