Showing America The Truth...about The Downing Street Memo

In order to get the truth out about Iraq, you and I need to keep pushing our leaders and the media to come clean. That's why we've put together a new

In order to get the truth out about Iraq, you and I need to keep pushing our leaders and the media to come clean. That's why we've put together a new Flash movie about the Downing Street Memo -- a movie made to help you spread the word.

In just over a minute, you can show your neighbors, family, co-workers, and others why President Bush owes our troops -- and every American -- an explanation. Watch the video, and then send it to as many people as you can:


Americans deserve to know the truth about this war. Every day innocent Iraqi civilians and brave American servicemen and women die. The more people we can reach with this movie, the closer we come to the day when we bring our troops home alive.

If your computer has a hard time handling Flash -- or if you want to read the Downing Street Memo in full -- you can go right to our petition to "Demand that Congress hold full hearings." Here's the link: http://www.democracyforamerica.com/downingmemo

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