Atrios To The Point

What kind of America do you want to live in? I don't want to live in Hugh Hewitt's America or Trent Lott's America or Bill Frist's America or Assrocke

What kind of America do you want to live in? I don't want to live in Hugh Hewitt's America or Trent Lott's America or Bill Frist's America or Assrocket's America. I don't want to live in an America in which I read that FBI report and think -- Fuck Yeah! That's America. Apparently they do. Well fuck their anti-American shit.

Mayor Daly feed right into the noise machine. Brit Hume was practically jumping out of his chair making Durbin's apology the lead story. They edited his whole speech to one snipet. I'm tired of these Republican apologists who care little for what's right and wrong and everything about protecting this administration at every turn. Remember the abuse started with Alberto Gonzalez. John says For any of you real Republicans and conservatives left out there. You ought to be very afraid now that America stands for the idea that our government can do no wrong and knows no bounds. Some day that government will turn its eyes towards you.

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