FRC Defends Hostettler To Attack Durbin
Tony Perkins uses John Hostettler's insane remarks as a vehicle to jusify attacking Sen. Durbin. While the Congressman's remarks were strong in paint
Tony Perkins uses John Hostettler's insane remarks as a vehicle to jusify attacking Sen. Durbin.
While the Congressman's remarks were strong in painting all Democrats as hostile to religious freedom there is definitely a movement afoot by a number of Democrat-affiliated groups to remove all traces of Christianity from the public square and American heritage. Congressman Hostettler removed his words from the record following the protests of a number of Democrats. Contrast this Democratic outrage to the virtual silence from Democrats after Senator Senator Dick Durbin (R-IL) on
By the way the idiot known as Tony Perkins has Sen. Durbin listed as a Republican. This will be the new screed from the Extreme religious right. Attack Durbin to shift the focus off of Gitmo.