Now This Is Bullshit.
Pentagon Creating Student Database The Defense Department began working yesterday with a private marketing firm to create a database of high school st
The Defense Department began working yesterday with a private marketing firm to create a database of high school students ages 16 to 18 and all college students to help the military identify potential recruits in a time of dwindling enlistment in some branches. The program is provoking a furor among privacy advocates. The new database will include personal information including birth dates, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, grade-point averages, ethnicity and what subjects the students are on
School systems that fail to provide that information risk losing federal funds, although individual parents or students can withhold information that would be transferred to the military by their districts.
This sounds like Dobson's plan to cut funding against the judges they don't like.
The Pentagon's statements added that anyone can "opt out" of the system by providing detailed personal information that will be kept in a separate "suppression file."
As long as they get the information, you can opt out? What the hell does that mean? This is like reading some dime store sci-fi novel, but this whole psycho administration's approach to most problems it faces reads the same way. Robert Heinlein, Issac Asimov, take your pick. Find a certain applicant that has the right type of records, the right type of temperament, the right type of ethnicity and manipulate them into enlisting. I can't wait to hear from the winguts on this one. Captain Ed will think up something laughable that Drudge can link to.
After 9/11, the patriotism of this country was off the charts. I knew actors that gave up their careers to enlist. Let me repeat. I knew actors that gave up their careers to enlist. This White House effectively killed off that feeling of wanting to protect our country. For the most part the whole world mourned the tragedy of that day. Now? You have to hand it to George Bush. He's good at something. So good in fact that he has to spy on the new ownership society that he blubbers on about so he can try to fill recruitment quotas.
Notice it doesn't say anything about which high schools they are targeting. Do you think Beverly Hills High will be a prime location? Sounds like they are getting closer to the draft. At least C&L and Jesus General are way ahead of the administration in our pursuit of new recruits. Our allies are on the ground in Las Vegas getting ready to step up Operation Yellow Elephant to the next phase.