Karl Rove On Hardball-David Corn Takes A Look!

David Corn exposes Rove in his latest article appearing in the Nation:Rove-ing from the Truth: As always C&L has the visual to go along with David

David Corn exposes Rove in his latest article appearing in the Nation:Rove-ing from the Truth: As always C&L has the visual to go along with David's fine observations:

Karl Rove is a hypocrite. I know that's hard to believe. And you're going to need a chunk of proof before accepting that conclusion. So let me give it my best shot.

icon Download -WMP ( compressed it a little small. I will fix it later )

(What you do find from the video is Rove stumbling around a bit in his arguments.)

In April, Rove delivered a speech at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland. Trying to come across as a statesman (instead of a hack political strategist), he urged participants in today's tough political and policy debates to engage in high-minded discourse. "Most people I know on both sides of the aisle," he remarked, "believe in the positions they take." He continued, "Unless you have clear evidence to the contrary, commentators should answer arguments instead of impugning the motives of those with whom they disagree."

Let's see how well he takes his own advice. Last night, Rove was interviewed by NBC News' David Gregory on Hardball. read on

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