Making Excuses for Rove

It's nice to see Republicans weigh in on the side of sanity instead of the knee-jerk WHA's ( White House Apologists and the sound a baby makes when cr

It's nice to see Republicans weigh in on the side of sanity instead of the knee-jerk WHA's ( White House Apologists and the sound a baby makes when crying). Read Trevino's full post. You might not agree with everything in it, but he makes really valid points.

RedState.org: The remarkable thing about the excuse-making for Karl Rove is how intellectually dishonest so much of it is.

Yep, you read that right. Read on.

Andrew Sullivan: ...Except that Rove is running an administration that is running a vital war. With that kind of power should come a tiny bit more responsibility. Michael Totten: "So there it is. Liberals deliberately hope to put our troops in greater danger, according to Rove. In other words, Liberals=Traitors. Anyone who has liberal friends and family members ought to know exactly how rotten and despicable and indefensible that statement is."

Jeff Jarvis: "Yes, Karl Rove is an ass. But you didn't need me to tell you that. This liberal wasn't calling for therapy. This liberal was calling for bombs." Tacitus: "The remarkable thing about the excuse-making for Karl Rove is how intellectually dishonest so much of it is." John Cole: "Rove smear of all liberals "

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