Friday Morning Reads

The Carpetbagger Report has the complete transcript of Rove's speech. Kristen Breitweiser posts: Karl Rove's "Understanding of 9/11" Patricia post

The Carpetbagger Report has the complete transcript of Rove's speech.

Kristen Breitweiser posts: Karl Rove's "Understanding of 9/11"

Patricia posts: Liberal Soldiers Fight and Die too, Mr. Rove


Obsidian Wings posts: Social Security: The Second Time As Farce

Arianna posts: This Just In: Rove Apologizes, Weeps Like a Baby

Steve writes: Pataki calls Sen. Clinton 'hypocritical', rejects demand he repudiate Rove remarks.

Check out Mike's Blog Round-up. Mike has been out of the country, but we're still trying to keep it updated daily.

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