College Republicans Like Old People/Delay Continues Rove Meme/Mobilize

Young Republicans 'get party started. "The group's fund raising has generated some scrutiny, with reports showing that a portion of the money was rece

Young Republicans 'get party started.
"The group's fund raising has generated some scrutiny, with reports showing that a portion of the money was received from elderly donors who were pursued with misleading appeals."

Delay kept up the hype: "The trend isn't just about liberal rhetoric, it's about a disturbing liberal psychology," DeLay said. "A bizarre, knee-jerk reflex to assume the world's worst problems are America's fault." DeLay also defended White House adviser Karl Rove, who came under fire for a New York speech he made Wednesday in which he accused "liberals" of wanting to "offer therapy and understanding for our attackers" after the Sept. 11, 2001, strikes. DeLay said: "That is not slander, that is the truth."


Another prominent Republican called liberals "traitors" and "insane." It's time to mobilize. Who wants to make "Traitor" T-shirts? This is the way we attack. Rove has started this campaign to divide the country again and cut off any criticism from Democrats. The cry of media bias from Hugh Hewitt has begun which of course is a good sign and the standard fall back position of the White House apologists.

The other defense is "why didn't democrats call for Durbin to apologize" doesn't wash either because he didn't do anything to apologize for. Another position that the WHA's and the White House are taking is that Rove was only talking about the Moveon.org version of liberalism. As John states: "There was no mention of 'some liberals,' or 'some Democrats,' and for good measure he threw in Drubin and Dean, just in case we didn't make the not-so-subtle connection." Again all you have to do is read the entire speech. We can't just demand the W.H. to fire Rove. That will never happen. We need to keep the focus on what he said and drive it home like a stake through the heart of the Vampire that he is.

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