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Did Rebecca have a make-over? Tbogg: "Take the case of Rebecca Hagelin who is Meghan Cox Gurdon without the anglophilia. Rebecca, whom I'm sure goes

Did Rebecca have a make-over?

Tbogg: "Take the case of Rebecca Hagelin who is Meghan Cox Gurdon without the anglophilia. Rebecca, whom I'm sure goes by Becky, Becs, and I Used To Be A Real Catch Back In High School, regularly uses her columns to impart mom-ish common sense in interpretive dance as underwritten by the Heritage Society...read on"

I read this post on Tbogg and when I saw her picture I remembered a post I did on Nov 18 2004. It was called: The New face of the Moral Majority! "On CNN, Rebecca Hagelin from the Heritage Foundation, talking about the "Monday Night Football" skit said: "We are suffering from a home invasion, you know it. Our culture represents the face of America and right now that face doesn't look so good to the world and to our kids!" We agree with you there Rebecca!"

The picture came off the tube so it's not sharp, but I remember how horrible she looked, hence the "face" theme. She said how the Janet Jackson nipplegate caused her children serious mental trauma. They cried and went running from the room or something to that effect. Looking at tbogg's post I wonder, Did she have a make-over? Images of the series The Swan came flooding in. She definetly had an Aunt Bee visage last year....

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