On Cooper And Miller

I agree with most of Kevin Drum's post. Even Bob "Crypt Keeper" Novak has the right to protect his sources. ( we all know of Bob's involvment ) Howeve

I agree with most of Kevin Drum's post. Even Bob "Crypt Keeper" Novak has the right to protect his sources. ( we all know of Bob's involvment ) However, I'd like to ask Kevin and or Jeralyn if the journalist "knowingly" commits a crime, or is used like a tool: (ie: outing a C.I.A. operative and Curveball) does that exempt them from the federal shield law for reporters? (If there was actually a law in place) To me it obviously would not. David Ehrenstein writes "A case for silencing anonymous sources" about this issue. By the way that letter by Charles Peters read like something off of Focus on the Family's website.

Duncan writes his brief on the subject here

Talk Left has a thorough and insightful post on all facets of the case. Roxanne has reason to be outraged. Any other blogger send me your reaction to the case.

Steve Gilliard says: Please save our friend. This is truly odious.

David Ehrenstein: A case for silencing anonymous sources Please read it.

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