More News About Operation Yellow Elephant

Well Operation Yellow Elephant is producing results way past our expectaions. Steve Gilliard has more. AmericaBlog found that Grover Norquist attack

Well Operation Yellow Elephant is producing results way past our expectaions. Steve Gilliard has more. AmericaBlog found that Grover Norquist attacked three GOP Senators over at the College Chickenhawks conference: Speaking to the same group a few hours later, party strategist Grover Norquist lambasted three Republicans who broke party ranks over the issue of judicial filibusters. He referred to them as "the two girls from Maine and the nut-job from Arizona" - Sens. Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and John McCain.

Way to go Grover, he must have read our Special Ops manual.

I have some more Special Ops planned after my encounter with the YRNC that helped to kick off the whole project. DU Top Ten Conservative Idiots of the Week was kind enough to list the project at #9. Check it out for a highlight. I've almost got a radio talk show host commited to go down to Las Vegas and set up shop for the July 6-10 convention. Stay tuned...

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