Conservatives Playing Games With Ed Klein's Book
I enjoy hearing the right wing hackers trying to feign outrage over The Truth about Hillary. Sean Hannity is appalled that Klein chose such intimate a
I enjoy hearing the right wing hackers trying to feign outrage over The Truth about Hillary. Sean Hannity is appalled that Klein chose such intimate and unsubstantiated personal attacks against her that even the man with more morals than Jesus was not buying it. Yet, as he tries to scold Klein about the book he made sure that ever sordid detail which he found so offensive got out into the public discourse. A back handed way to promote your propaganda and deny it at the same time.
TNR (reg.req.) says "another problem is conservatives have loved nothing more than to brandish Klein's credentials as a member of the liberal media elite.....But a truer test of the right's recent Hillaryphilia is on the way. National Review reports that Dick Morris has another Hillary takedown coming soon. If conservatives have, with their response to Klein's book, accidentally created sympathy for New York's junior senator among swing voters, then another Clinton-bashing publishing phenomenon will send only one message to those people: Hillary '08."
This might be the case too, and the toe sucking Dick Morris is also writing scathing attacks on Mr. Klein which is probably motivated by his unease at the diluding of the Clinton marketplace he makes a living off of. (Remember that Klein made a few bucks writing attack books on the Kennedy's) Dick is probably worried that he will have to wait for Chelsea to come of age so he can get some new material.