Republicans Threaten MLB

I think Major League Baseball understands the stakes," said Government Reform Chairman Tom Davis (R), the Northern Virginia lawmaker who recently conv

I think Major League Baseball understands the stakes," said Government Reform Chairman Tom Davis (R), the Northern Virginia lawmaker who recently convened high-profile steroid hearings. "I don't think they want to get involved in a political fight." Davis, whose panel also oversees District of Columbia issues, said that if a Soros sale went through, "I don't think it's the Nats that get hurt. I think it's Major League Baseball that gets hurt. They enjoy all sorts of exemptions" from anti-trust laws.----------------

Is he saying what I think he is saying? Right wing owners good , left wing owners bad...so bad we'll screw you, we'll screw you good. I watched a great baseball game last night between the Yanks and Mets. There's no politics involved when Randy Johnson takes the mound and Mike Piazza steps up to the plate. As the Stakeholder says: Apparently the government can have a hand in the free market after all....

emailer mw says: What would happen if Moon bought the Nationals?

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