Watch Out For The Dump
needlenose AP: The White House said Thursday it was investigating whether Iran's new president played a role in seizing the American Embassy and
Regardless of the outcome of all this, the question to be answered is: "So what?"
What if Ahmadinejad was one of the hostage-takers? What are we going to do, stop dealing with Iran? Close our embassy there? Put sanctions on them? Stop inviting their leaders to dinner? What? If the answer you come up with isa big fat nothing then it's best to ignore the whole thing.
Looks to me like this nonsense will distract the media plenty for a few news cycles. If I were you, I'd keep an eye out for a particularly odious document dump in the next day or two from the administration. They have this bad habit of pushing out their worst news when the media is looking elsewhere and right before a long weekend.
Update: Then again, it may not be a document dump. It may be word that Time is going to crack open the Plame case and let the special prosecutor do a Watergate number on some Whitehouse staffers' asses. Let's see how long the Ahmadinejad drivel stays on the front pages.