101st Keyboarders
Unleash the Blogs of War! Rising HegemonDear Leader gives some red meat to the in the London Times (the paper right-wingers love, except when it come
Unleash the Blogs of War! Rising Hegemon
Dear Leader gives some red meat to the in the London Times (the paper right-wingers love, except when it comes to the Downing Street documents):
Perhaps most revealing is his response to a question about Iran. His words are polite but the PresidentÂ’s body language is eloquent. As I read him a quote from the latest rantings of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President, and remind him that the Iranian President was a leader of the students who took Americans hostage in Tehran in 1979, he is visibly agitated. He glances at his advisers with a look of disgust that suggests that the chances of a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear crisis are remoter than ever.
Well my ratings for somethin'
Good gawd y'all
Supreme Court How Appealing
In case you're looking for evidence that Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist retired yesterday: Yesterday was the first day this week that "The Supreme Court Nomination Blog" failed to report that Chief Justice Rehnquist hadn't retired (cf. here and here). Proving that, sometimes, the dog that didn't bark doesn't even bother to show up.
Watch out for the dumpWar, huh, what is it good for?
Well my ratings for somethin'
Good gawd y'all
Well my ratings for somethin'
Good gawd y'all