Conference Call With Ted Kennedy

I was just on a call with some other On-Line Magazine editors and Sen Kennedy said that he hopes there isn't a fight over this nomination, but that co

I was just on a call with some other On-Line Magazine editors and Sen Kennedy said that he hopes there isn't a fight over this nomination, but that conservative groups have already lined up 18 million dollars to promote their choice. A fight is indeed expected unfortunately because of the dollars that are involved. I fear a very big "God's Clown Circus" to ensue. Sen. Kennedy also praised Justice O'Connor for her service over the years.

(Update)-Eschaton writes: In the early 90s, when the Democrats were in control of the Senate, President Clinton consulted with the ranking minority member, Orrin Hatch, about SC appointments. Hatch himself bragged in his autobiography that he was the person who suggested Ginsburg and Breyer. This rather important fact will, of course, be left entirely out of the media conversation on this topic."


I saw Orrin on Hannity and Colmes a few months ago. Hannity tried to disprove the fact that Hatch did submit names to help the nomination process along with President Clinton. Hatch told him that was the truth and dispelled Hannity's attempt to rewrite that part of history.


Talk Left: We had a blogger conference call with Senator Edward Kennedy today. After commending Justice O'Connor for her service, the key points he made were these:...read on

Dave Johnson picks Janice Rogers Brown as the next in line.

Pamela Leavey has more.'

John Dean has an interesting article

Here's one of the bigger Circus Clowns chimming in: Dobson: "Today marks a watershed moment in American history: the resignation of a swing-vote justice on the Supreme Court and the opportunity to change the CourtÂ’s direction. The rulings by the Court this June, particularly the schizophrenic decisions on the 10 Commandments cases, have once again demonstrated the desperate need for justices who will interpret the Constitution as it was written, not as the latest fads of legal theorists dictate."

Are you sick of it already?

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