God's Circus Clowns Continues...

The Extreme Religious Right comes out firing: Ballon-Juice has the definitive round up of the "God's Circus Clown" crowd: I think Ed Kilgore may be ri

The Extreme Religious Right comes out firing:
Ballon-Juice has the definitive round up of the "God's Circus Clown" crowd: I think Ed Kilgore may be right on this issue...read on

Alberto Gonzalez is in their crosshairs.

After reading Tony Perkins latest on Justice O’Connor and then reading the phony consultation scam on Bork's nomination, if anyone believes Bush will do anything other than what he wants, I have a bridge to sell you. This is like "end times" for the Circus Clowns and they will use every ounce of political capitol they think they have earned to get their judge on the bench.

When you read all the negative responses by these ass hats against Justice O'Conner, it sort of surprises me. Mostly because if she had ruled against Bush in 2000, they never would be in the position that they are in right now. Al Gore might well have been president, leaving them to swing in the wind where they belong. If they are so willing to throw her under the bus even after she delivered them their greatest victory how can we possibly think that their goals aren't precisely what Cole is saying.

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