King Of Zembla

Hollywood Liberals Courtesy of our tireless colleagues at Cursor: George Bush, according to Survey USA, enjoys a 50% or better approval rating in onl

Hollywood Liberals
Courtesy of our tireless colleagues at Cursor: George Bush, according to Survey USA, enjoys a 50% or better approval rating in only eleven states. In a recent ARG poll, a measly 17% of independents endorsed his performance as President (compared to 18% of Democrats). Pollster John Zogby was shocked to discover that 42% of all American voters -- including a quarter of Republicans -- would like to see Bush impeached if it were established that he lied about his reasons for invading Iraq.
So how's his act going over with the vets down at VFW Post 2500 in Hollywood, Florida?

"He's running scared," said Giblock, 63, a former Post 2500 member who lives in Anchorage, Ala. "His poll numbers are so low, he's got to say something, but the support is gone. It's gone. I don't think there's anybody in here who's behind him."

Tuesday was spaghetti dinner night at the hall on Dixie Highway, where $4 got you a nice plate with meatballs and garlic bread. Post commander Richard McDonald pointed to a sign hanging above the bar: "It's not the price you paid to join. It's the price you paid to be eligible" . . . .

The last time I came around here, in May 2004, President Bush was about to give a speech about Iraq, and the veterans' feelings were mixed. Some thought the war justified. Others had nagging feelings of doubt.

But this time, as Bush once again spoke to the nation, there was nothing but skepticism about the war's necessity, and worry about a staying the course . . . .

"I have no respect for this president," said Bud Lynch of Hallandale, a Korean War veteran. "He's just trying to finish Daddy's job. That's all this was about. There was no nuclear [expletive] or WMDs to begin with ... If it were my son who was being sent over there, I wouldn't let him go."

Said Nessl: "These people have no idea what war is like."

Said Anderson: "Korea turned out to be B.S., Vietnam was B.S., and Iraq is B.S. It's all political. All these people are dying in vain ... I was in for nine years, so don't go waving a flag in my face and say I'm not being patriotic."
Bush heard applause as he finished at Fort Bragg, but there wasn't a ripple at Post 2500.

"I go to a VA Hospital in Anchorage for my medicine and I'm seeing a lot of new people in there every time," said Giblock. "We have an Army base and an Air Force base nearby, and they're getting MedVac'ed back in [from Iraq] all the time.

"I'm seeing people in wheelchairs, people missing limbs, people with burns. That's the part they don't show on the news."

All we can say is, some gratitude.
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