Bernie Goldberg's New Book: Hannity Is In Heaven
OK, I had to watch the segment about his new, more biased than ever book:100 People Who Are Screwing Up America. I wonder who would top the list..le
OK, I had to watch the segment about his new, more biased than ever book:100 People Who Are Screwing Up America. I wonder who would top the list..let's see...Does anyone think that Osama Bin Laden might be the one? Does Bernie think Osama played the pivitol roll in screwing up our country? Colmes makes it quite obvious that the amount of research Bernie used to write his entire book was probably less than it took me to pen this post.
NewsHounds has a full wrap-up on the segment:.. "Judging from the excerpts read by Alan Colmes, the book is nothing but a vitriolic attack on those Goldberg doesn't like. For example, Colmes said that there is only one word under Courtney Love, "Ho." Under Tim Robbins, Colmes said it says, "You plug in arrogant, know-it-all, whiny windbag into Google, his name comes up."
The Moderate Voice writes: But you can see by this list run in the Seatte Times that his top 10 do reflect a certain....ahem...bias.
Norbizness takes a look at the list
Hannity's schtick is so boring. He complains about the mean and nasty liberals yet just simply gushes when a rabid right wing ideologue prints an attack piece.