Daily Kos Bans The Conspiracists
"Today I did something I've never done before (not even during the Fraudster mess), and wish I'd never had to do. I made a mass banning of people perp
"Today I did something I've never done before (not even during the Fraudster mess), and wish I'd never had to do. I made a mass banning of people perpetuating a series of bizarre, off-the-wall, unsupported and frankly embarrassing conspiracy theories. I have a high tolerance level for material I deem appropriate for this site, but one thing I REFUSE to allow is bullshit conspiracy theories. You know the ones -- Bush and Blair conspired to bomb London in order to take the heat off their respective political problems. I can't imagine what fucking world these people live in, but it sure ain't the Reality Based Community...read on"
Kos's post got me thinking. How do we best serve the country as a reality-based community? Does it push our agenda forward to engage in speculation about conspiracies like the ones Markos is talking about? I, for one, don't think it helps us or the country. I think we have accomplished many important things in Bush's second term so far. We have kept Social Security from being dismantled, ensuring our retirees will have protection from poverty. The country's attitude has turned the corner on the war and that will not change no matter how many times Hannity tries to link 9/11 with Iraq and the fight against terrorism. The Terri Schiavo incident saw the country overwhelmingly side with freedom from right-wing religious zealots that want to control our personal affairs.
Bush's approval rating keeps falling even with talk radio blaring round the clock, a dedicated ring of blog apologists, and a subservient press that no matter what Bush's views, policies and actions, remains cowed.
All of that will likely continue. Many from the right went crazy over Clinton, slinging as much dirt and lies as they could conjure up, yet he still left office with an incredible job approval rating. Why? As a friend told me "because he stayed on message." My question then, is how do we as a group better advance our agenda and better serve our country?