Russert: If This Was A Democratic White House, We'd Have Congressional Hearings In A Second.

Tim was on the Today Show this morning ( wearing his super double secret serious face ) discussing Karl Rove's involvement with leaking Valeri Plame's

Tim was on the Today Show this morning ( wearing his super double secret serious face ) discussing Karl Rove's involvement with leaking Valeri Plame's name to Matt Cooper. The telling moment came when he said:

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Russert: One Republican said to me last night. If this was a Democratic White House, we'd have Congressional hearings in a second.

There you have it. All the apologists know that if it was a democrat, Power Line and the like would have written a three headed story on why the person responsible for this egregious behavior should go to jail and the rest would follow suit. The Republicans would be calling for investigations and 24/7 would lead the charge.

MyDD has the story on Rove and Novak's past connection: Rove was caught for leaking to Novak in '92 and was fired by Bush Sr.

Al Rogers's has pics from front page newspaper headlines.

The Carpetbagger says: Yank Rove's security clearance "Karl Rove has accused liberals of not understanding the consequences of 9-11, but he's the one who blew the cover of a covert CIA agent. The President should immediately suspend Karl Rove's security clearances and shut him down by shutting him out of classified meetings or discussions.

The Moderate Voice has a quote from the Jawa Report: Anyway, it's time for Rove to go. Last time I checked we were in a....shooting war and the last thing the Commander-in-Chief needs is a low-life political opportunist in his inner circle.

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