NBC Today: Joe Wilson says Rove "should be fired" Wilson went on the offensive this morning on the "Today Show" and asked that the President stick t
Wilson went on the offensive this morning on the "Today Show" and asked that the President stick to his word.
Raw Story has the GOP attack talking points as the smear campaign goes on to discredit Joesph in an effort to protect Rove. The RWNM has been on high alert and is actually trying to make Karl Rove the victim in all of this. How did Rove even know that Valeri was a NOC?
AmericaBlog has the transcripts and some more on Wilson.
BuzzFlash has an interview with James Moore, author of Bush's Brain.
Josh Marshall asks a legal question.
The CarpetBagger Report: Playing to the base:One interesting part of the Rove defense strategy is its similarity to the approach Rove used during the presidential election: Play to the base. When it was Bush on the campaign trail, that meant ignoring outreach to anyone who wasn't a Republican, creating a partisan bubble around the president, and rallying the hard-core sycophants. The past couple of days, I think we're seeing something similar in defending Rove in the Plame scandal.
Talk Left wants to know: Where Does Ari Fleischer Fit In? Jeralyn does extensive research as she tries to connect the dots.
World O' Crap delves into the Wingnut universe in the Ultimate Wing Nut Challenge As always there really isn't anyone quite like her. She takes apart Ann Coulter! Rush Limbaugh! Bill O'Reilly! Michelle Malkin! G. Gordon Liddy! And last and least, Sean Hannity!