God's Own Circus: Rev. Wilson Says Women Turn Gay Because They Work!
There's a new Circus Clown in town and he's bucking to get a free ride to South Carolina. Rev. Willie Wilson: “Sisters making more money than b
There's a new Circus Clown in town and he's bucking to get a free ride to South Carolina. Rev. Willie Wilson:
Sisters making more money than brothers and its creating problems in families thats one of the reasons many of our women are becoming lesbians, Wilson said.
I knew money was the root of all evil! Do you think he'll stop there? The good Reverend is just getting started:
Lesbianism is about to take over our community. I aint homophobic because everybody here got something wrong with him, he said. But women falling down on another woman, strapping yourself up with something, it aint real."
There's more so check out what this Alan Keyes wannabe says. read it here.
Arthur has a piece called: ELIMINATING THE OTHER:But one fact is completely clear: as I noted in my earlier essay, the most virulent of the anti-gay forces seek not only to stigmatize homosexuality. They seek to eliminate it altogether: the enemy must be destroyed. Just how far they are prepared to go to achieve that aim remains to be seen.