God's Own Circus: Rev. Wilson Says Women Turn Gay Because They Work!

There's a new Circus Clown in town and he's bucking to get a free ride to South Carolina. Rev. Willie Wilson: “Sisters making more money than b

There's a new Circus Clown in town and he's bucking to get a free ride to South Carolina. Rev. Willie Wilson:

“Sisters making more money than brothers and it’s creating problems in families … that’s one of the reasons many of our women are becoming lesbiansWilson said.

I knew money was the root of all evil! Do you think he'll stop there? The good Reverend is just getting started:

“Lesbianism is about to take over our community. … I ain’t homophobic because everybody here got something wrong with him,” he said. “But … women falling down on another woman, strapping yourself up with something, it ain’t real."

There's more so check out what this Alan Keyes wannabe says. read it here.

Arthur has a piece called: ELIMINATING THE “OTHER”:But one fact is completely clear: as I noted in my earlier essay, the most virulent of the anti-gay forces seek not only to stigmatize homosexuality. They seek to eliminate it altogether: the enemy must be destroyed. Just how far they are prepared to go to achieve that aim remains to be seen.

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