Judge Roberts Wife-Feminists For Life
Many have emailed me with this story on Judge Robert's wife. Here is the paragraph in question from The Boston Globe: The role of his lawyer wife, Jan
Many have emailed me with this story on Judge Robert's wife. Here is the paragraph in question from
The Boston Globe:
The role of his lawyer wife, Jane Sullivan Roberts, in Feminists for Life, a group dedicated to overturning Roe v. Wade, is also certain to raise liberal eyebrows.
How much would or could her positions effect his views?
Think Progress: To get a sense of FFL, heres the top item on their News page:
If the Supreme Court overturns the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion, says Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif)., a minimum of 5,000 women a year will die. Serrin Foster explains why women deserve better than fabricated statistics or legal and lethal abortion. See the complete story at LifeNews.com.