Crime And Punishment
Crime and Punishment Billmon "If someone committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration." George W. Bush Remarks to Reporte
Crime and Punishment Billmon
"If someone committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration."
George W. Bush
Remarks to Reporters
July 18, 2005
Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Stephen Hadley announced today the appointment of Elliott Abrams as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy. . ."
Executive Office of the President
Personnel Announcement
February 2, 2005
The Board concluded . . . that Abrams had engaged in "dishonesty, deceit or misrepresentation" by giving false (but unsworn) testimony to three congressional committees regarding the role of the United States government in what has become known as the Iran-Contra Affair. Following Abrams' conviction, upon a plea of guilty, of criminal charges arising out of his congressional testimony, President Bush granted him a full and unconditional pardon."
District of Columbia Court of Appeals
In re Elliott Abrams, Respondent
February 5, 1997
Sorry Elliott, but you know how it is: The president is a man of his word. And he didn't make any exception for pardoned criminals.
Don't forget to turn in your ID badge on the way out.
[ed note: couple other guys who might want to look for other work if Dear Leader really means it...BWA HAHAHAHA
John Poindexter
Otto Reich