The List

Since Bernie Goldberg’s "100 people that I hate" book, the new meme that is coming from the right is to list every liberal that the Circus Clowns

Since Bernie Goldberg’s "100 people that I hate" book, the new meme that is coming from the right is to list every liberal that the Circus Clowns and ideologues think are helping the terrorists. Yesterday, O’Reilly jumped on Bernie’s coattails and says he’ll name all the people and organizations he considers to be helping the terrorists on his show each night. ( Tonight he didn't follow through ) In his next segment he had Robert Pollock from the WSJ and Stephen Hayes from the Weekly Standard chime in with their picks.

Hayes had the nerve to say that: " Most Democrats, most liberals are against terrorists and do not advocate what they are doing."

Hayes- You Ignorant Slut! What he is doing is claiming very slyly that liberals do approve of terrorists and their methods so as to set up the fallacy that anybody who disapproves of the White House's methods are aiding and abetting terrorists. Look for the NRO and others to quickly jump on this bandwagon.

It’s time for us to come up with our own list. You know the drill. Tom Tancredo's insipid thought of possibly bombing Mecca jumps out at me. Live Journal has a parody of Bernie's list.

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