More Lies Form The Right
The assault has continued with Podhoretz joining the fray. (James Wolcott on Podman ) The NRO lies in their article (Update)- "Admiral Inman was quo
The assault has continued with Podhoretz joining the fray. (James Wolcott on Podman )
The NRO lies in their article
(Update)- "Admiral Inman was quoted out of context. I spoke with him this afternoon after alerting him to the National Review online quote. He takes very seriously the compromise of Valerie's cover. He was telling Mr. Spruiell that anyone in the intel community would not be in a position to intuitively know whether Valerie was or was not undercover at first glance." LJ
Larry Johnson fired back his response: "Valerie Plame was not working as a CIA analyst, she was undercover, per press reports, as an Energy Analyst for Brewster Jennings. Inman not only misstates her position, he has no firsthand knowledge. This speaks very poorly about the journalistic standards of the NRO. To show how pathetically ignorant Inman is on the matter, there have been CIA officers who started off as an analyst, who like me were undercover. They later switched-over to a operations officer career track and are now serving overseas in undercover positions.