Tom Tancredo: Bombing Of Mecca

Tancredo was on H&C last night to try and defend his idiotic and very dangerous statements about bombing Muslim holy sites as a possible deterre

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Tancredo was on H&C last night to try and defend his idiotic and very dangerous statements about bombing Muslim holy sites as a possible deterrent against Islamic extremists.

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Of course the old" taken out of context"and "it was reported wrong" excuse is used. Tom says that they are just hypothetical situations. But let me ask Tancredo something. If the meme is that anything we say over here will be used against us over there ( the Fly paper theory to attack liberals ) then why are you giving extremists more ammunition to use against us? Don't you think Muslim extremists can take what you said and twist it into America will "nuke"Mecca? I'm surprised he didn't turn to the "Dietl-pigs blood" theory

Let's go into the thinking of what he is saying. He believes that bombing Mecca could possibly stop extreme Islamists from attacking us because they value their Holy sites more than they do their jihad. What kind of mindset would actually believe that scenario could possible help anything? A very twisted one. Tom, don't you think that would only create about a half-a-billion more extremists if we leveled their places of worship? Their belief already is that we want to wipe them out so why are you feeding them more fuel and offering more proof that that is our mission?

I always get a kick out of Hannity when his guests are so lost that he has to coach them through and supply them with the answers that they can't come up with.

Tancredo ends his segment by using a statement which sounds to me like a veiled threat against moderate Muslims to either help us or we'll blow up your Holy sites as pay back.

(Update)-Talk Left says the Congressman will meet with some 'moderate' Muslim groups to discuss his remarks -- but not the big ones.

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