Happy Bin Laden Memo Day!

A Liberal Dose Saturday marks exactly four years to the day since Chief Chimp received a Presidential daily briefing with the title "Bin Laden Deter

A Liberal Dose

Saturday marks exactly four years to the day since Chief Chimp received a Presidential daily briefing with the title "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside the United States."

And, while he swore up and down we were "ghunna GIT 'im", after awhile that game stopped being fun, and so, with characteristic ADHD aplomb,ghunna GIT 'im", after awhile that game stopped being fun, and so, with characteristic ADHD aplomb, President Pan Troglodytes eeped and ooped out the simian equivalent of "Frankly, my dear, I just don't give a damn"....

So suprise surprise, Bin Laden still "ain't gitted"; in fact, he's FAR from it....

Meanwhile, in a crazy, geographically-challenged move eerily reminiscent of an earlier whack job megalomaniacal despot, C. Chimp brazenly lied and sent tens of thousands of young patriotic, idealistic Americans into the desert in what was (unbeknownst to said soldiers) really just a giant, smash-and-grab of a tenor that would have put the Assyrians to shame....

Some Americans are paying a terrible price for this. As, of course, have many, many innocent Iraqis.

But the GOP has more important concerns than getting our men and women in uniform home safely or preventing further war crimes, concerns such as chowing down on some serious prime-grade pork
Priorities, priorities, as they say in Hollywood.

Torture Court-Martials
        INTEL DUMP

Josh White in Monday's WaPo gives us a fairly detailed look at courts-martial taking place at Fort Carson, CO. The allegations against two senior Army interrogators assigned to the 66th Military Intelligence Company (BTW, not the 66th MI Group, my old unit) interrogated a senior Iraqi general in such a physically harsh and abusive manner that the detainee died.

I've written a lot on the macro level view of interrogation policy in the military. This story gives a good look at some of the problems on the ground. I'll highlight some of the more important points that White identifies (and which support some of my earlier themes): Read on...

Monstrous        .

Priorities, priorities, as they say in Hollywood.

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